Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered below, email us at! We will be happy to answer any questions

Are your dog treats suitable for all dog breeds and sizes?

Our treats are designed for dogs of all breeds and sizes!

Do you offer grain-free or gluten-free options?

All of our items are grain and gluten-free!

What Are All the Particles In My Broth?

The particles you see floating in your broth are a natural result of the ingredients used to create this delicious concoction. These tiny elements contribute to the rich flavor and nutritional profile of the broth, providing an extra boost of goodness.

What is the hard yellow stuff in Broth?

Spying a rich yellow layer in your broth? Fear not! It's the wholesome fat residue, artfully tinted by turmeric. 100% safe, 100% scrumptious for your pup.

Why is your broth not shelf stable?

Our commitment to delivering the highest quality and nutrient-rich broth is why we do not opt for shelf-stable products. Shelf-stable items are typically sterilized for long-term storage outside of refrigeration, a process that may denature the nutrients within the broth.

To preserve the optimal nutritional content and flavor of our broth, we go the extra mile by shipping our products frozen. This ensures, allowing your pup to enjoy the full spectrum of nutrients and deliciousness without compromising on quality.

I am not satisfied with the products I received.

We apologize for any dissatisfaction you may have encountered with our products. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are committed to resolving any concerns you may have. Please reach out to our customer service team at with details about the issue.

Can I return or exchange my dog treats if my pet doesn't like them?

If your dog is not satisfied with our products, please contact our customer service at with your order number for assistance with returns or exchanges.